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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Numeral System (Sayı Sistemlerinde Dönüştürme)

Binary Numeral System - Base-2

Binary numbers uses only 0 and 1 digits.
B denotes binary prefix.


101012 = 10101B = 1×24+0×23+1×22+0×21+1×20 = 16+4+1= 21
101112 = 10111B = 1×24+0×23+1×22+1×21+1×20 = 16+4+2+1= 23
1000112 = 100011B = 1×25+0×24+0×23+0×22+1×21+1×20 =32+2+1= 35

Octal Numeral System - Base-8

Octal numbers uses digits from 0..7.


278 = 2×81+7×80 = 16+7 = 23
308 = 3×81+0×80 = 24
43078 = 4×83+3×82+0×81+7×80= 2247

Decimal Numeral System - Base-10

Decimal numbers uses digits from 0..9.
These are the regular numbers that we use.


253810 = 2×103+5×102+3×101+8×100

Hexadecimal Numeral System - Base-16

Hex numbers uses digits from 0..9 and A..F.
H denotes hex prefix.


2816 = 28H = 2×161+8×160 = 40
2F16 = 2FH = 2×161+15×160 = 47
BC1216 = BC12H = 11×163+12×162+1×161+2×160= 48146

Numeral systems conversion table

The thing you Should considering when buying new laptop (Bilgisayar Alırken Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Konular)

Buying a new laptop or desktop PC can be quite confusing. Many people find it difficult to compare prices, features, processor types,etc to find the right choice in accordance with their requirements.But there's 5 Most core thing you should consideration before buying the new one:

3.System Time
4. Path of transmission(BuS)
5.Cache memory

CPU registers are for high-speed data storage. the capacity or model of your register is considering your laptop perform, the newest model the faster processing time.

It is obvious that for more professional tasks and to run a Xeon Server there will be more RAM required than for merely using a PC for browsing the internet. Moreover, the RAM type may matter more than many people might consider.  

Cache  memory is for determine increasesing the processing speed. Mounted inside the CPU cache memory models work faster than others. Data bus capacity is the determinant of the computer speed.

 Beside above 5 core things you must know about the video card & graphics card if you wanna using your computer for playing game and stuff , because is important to determine how high resolution computer users could play.

Toshiba Satellite C55-B5299

Processor Core: Dual-core (2 Core)
 RAM: 2 GB
 OS: Windows 8.1 64-bit
 Processor Speed: 2.16 GHz          

ASus X55LN
Processor core İ5
Processor Speed: 1.7GHZ-
 OS: Windows 8.1 64-bit


Programming Languages (Programlama Dilleri)

Programming Languages

   1.Machine Language

The lowest-level programming language (except for computers that utilize programmable microcode) Machine languages are the only languages understood by computers. While easily understood by computers, machine languages are almost impossible for humans to use because they consist entirely of numbers. Programmers, therefore, use either a high-level programming language or an assembly language. 

Example, to write my name ''KHALISH''  it would be like this on the computer screen:
01001011 01001000 01000001 01001100 01001001 01010011 01001000

   2. Assembly language

A programming language that is once removed from a computer's machine language. Machine languages consist entirely of numbers and are almost impossible for humans to read and write. Assembly languages have the same structure and set of commands as machine languages, but they enable a programmer to use names instead of numbers.

Example: MOV AH, 02MOV DL, 41 INT 21

   3. High level langguage

programming language such as C, FORTRAN, or Pascal that enables a programmer to write programs that are more or less independent of a particular type of computer. Such languages are considered high-level because they are closer to human languages and further from machine languages. In contrast, assembly languagesare considered low-level because they are very close to machine languages.

The main advantage of high-level languages over low-level languages is that they are easier to read, write, and maintain. Ultimately, programs written in a high-level language must be translated into machine language by a compiler or interpreter.

4. Application Generators
 Software that generates application programs from descriptions of the problem rather than by traditional programming. It is at a higher level and easier to use than a high-level programming language such as C/C++ or COBOL.

 One statement or descriptive line may generate a huge routine or an entire program. Generators used for complex program development allow if-then-else programming to be expressed along with the simpler descriptive of the inputs and required outputs.

Computers Performance Components(Bilgisayarın Performansını Belirleyen Bileşenler)


In a computer, a register is one of a small set of data holding places that are part of a computer processor . A register may hold a computer instruction , a storage address, or any kind of data (such as a bit sequence or individual characters). Some instructions specify registers as part of the instruction.

For example, an instruction may specify that the contents of two defined registers be added together and then placed in a specified register. A register must be large enough to hold an instruction - for example, in a 32-bit instruction computer, a register must be 32 bits in length.

2.RAM (random access memory)

RAM (random access memory) is the place in a computer where the operating system, application programs, and data in current use are kept so that they can be quickly reached by the computer's processor. RAM is much faster to read from and write to than the other kinds of storage in a computer, the hard disk, floppy disk, and CD-ROM.

However, the data in RAM stays there only as long as your computer is running. When you turn the computer off, RAM loses its data. When you turn your computer on again, your operating system and other files are once again loaded into RAM, usually from your hard disk.

3.System Time

Could found work on bios, This watch is taken from a battery on the motherboard of energy required to run continuously.

4. Path transmission (BuS)

In a computer or on a network, a bus is a transmission path on which signals are dropped off or picked up at every device attached to the line.

5.Cache Memory

Cache memory, also called CPU memory, is random access memory (RAM) that a computer microprocessor can access more quickly than it can access regular RAM. This memory is typically integrated directly with the CPU chip or placed on a separate chip that has a separate bus interconnect with the CPU.

The basic purpose of cache memory is to store program instructions that are frequently re-referenced by software during operation. Fast access to these instructions increases the overall speed of the software program.

BITS VS BYTES(Byte ve Bit Arasındaki İlişki)

This is the boring stuff.I apologize in advance, because there’s no way to make this stuff interesting.But it’s necessary. You have to have an idea about the size of your files, graphics, videos, MP3 and other digital items and also the size of the drives and other peripherals required to handle them most efficiently. Whether it’s the amount of RAM on your main board, your hard drive, DVD burner, flash drive or network backup drive, they’re all expressed in the measurements which follow. So, like it or not, you have to have at least a relative basic understanding of bits and bytes:

A bit (short for BInary digiT) is the smallest unit of data in a computer. A bit can have a binary value of either 0 or 1. Binary means that there are only two logical (i.e. on/off, true/false) choices. Until the value is actually determined, it can have two states. With respect to the physical storage of bits on a computer’s hard disk drive, the binary value reflects whether the bit is on (magnetic) or off (not magnetic).

Think of it like this: if you wrap lots of copper wire around a rod, then connect each end of the wire to the two poles of a battery, the rod will be magnetized and pick up iron. When you take one of the wires off of the battery, it’s no longer a magnet. You’ve turned it on and then off. There are only those two choices. That’s binary system (bi = two), and it also demonstrates the relationship between electricity and magnetism, a recurring computer principle. For more about how your computer computes with binary code.

To put it simply:

A byte is composed of 8 bits. Similar to the bit, the value of a byte is stored on the hard drive as either above or below a designated level of electrical (therefore magnetic) charge in a single capacitor. Half a byte (4 bits) is called a nibble. [Sometimes, the term octet is used for an 8 bit unit instead of a byte.] Also, in many systems, 4 - 8-bit bytes form a 32 bit word (and sometimes a half-word 16 bits long).

A kilobyte is 1024 bytes (Why exactly 1024 bytes? Because binary computers count in twos, so 1024 is the closest power of 2 to 1000 (2 to 10th power). Click HERE for more information about this). A megabyte is approximately 1 million bytes (actually, it’s 1,024 kilobytes or 1,048,576 bytes, see the comparison charts below). Similarly, a gigabyte is 1024 megabytes (1024 megabytes, 1,048,576 kilobytes, 1,073,741,824 bytes); and a terabyte is 1024 gigabytes.

A petabyte is 1024 terabytes. An exabyte is 1024 petabytes. And a zetabyte is 1024 exabytes. The largest current unit of measurement for computer data is the yottabyte, which is 1024 zetabytes.


Data SPEEDS are usually described in terms of BITS:

1,024 bits = 1 Kilobit

1,024Kb = 1 Megabit

1,024Mb = 1 Gigabit

1,024Gb = 1 Terabit

Data STORAGE is usually described in terms of BYTES:

8 bits = 1 byte

1,024 bytes = 1 Kilobyte

1,024KB = 1 Megabyte

1,024MB = 1 Gigabyte

1,024GB = 1 Terabyte

So, for example, a 10 Gbps connection would allow you to transfer 75GB of data over the course of a minute, or the equivalent of about 110 full CDs worth of music.

Ascii Code

What it is ASCII CODE? ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It's a 7-bit character code where every single bit represents a unique character.
Add caption

What I am going to show you today in binary is simply just the replacement of letters and numbers, with their binary equivalent. 1 and 0 are just a representation of on and off. 1 = on 0 = off. There are put in sections of "on and off's" also, usually sets of 8, called a byte. The digits are all valued exponentially, the easiest way to explain what that means is to show you, it is in the first picture at the bottom.

I will give you an example by my name in binary

Friday, November 7, 2014

Words Processor Comparison (Kelime İşlemci Programlarının Karşılaştırılması)

     I.            iPages

iPages is a word processor (iWork) and a page layout application developed by Apple Inc. iPage is a flexible and well-rounded web service that is perfect for beginner and intermediate users. Users can collaborate with others on a document. Pages tracks changes by different users by displaying each person's edits in different colors. Users can also add comments alongside the document. In page layout mode, users have complete control over the position of objects on the page. Images and text can be placed anywhere on the canvas.

·         Advantage

The Media Browser provides quick access to media of iTunes, iMovie, iPhoto, and Aperture. Users can drag and drop music, movies, and photos directly into Pages documents from the Media Browser window. iPage also has blog and photo gallery setup wizards, and it supports numerous content management systems, blogs, photo galleries and forum plugins such as Joomla, WordPress, Gallery2 and Gbook. If you want to add multimedia files to your website, you will enjoy the fact iPage supports Macromedia Shockwave, Midi File, Flash, and Real Audio and Video.
You can access an FTP account manager, add unlimited FTP accounts and enjoy the benefits of anonymous FTP security. This protection includes support for .htaccess to control user access to directories with sensitive information.

·         Disadvantage

As nothing could be really perfect, there are still some limitations existing in iPage web hosting service, among which the lack for some important web hosting features is the most serious one for webmasters requiring extremely easy website management and enhanced website security.
For instance, SSH is not supported, which may cause security issues in remote website and server management. Besides, Cron Job is not available, either. It is part of the iWork productivity suite and just runs on the OS X and iOS operating systems so Linux user or windows cannot runs this program. iPages does not support OpenDocument file format. The only known software other than Pages which can open its files are the Google Docs Viewer and Jumpshare. While there is no program that can view or edit a .pages file using Windows or Linux, some content can be retrieved from a document created in iPages '09, because a .pages file is actually a bundle.

II.        Applix word (Linux Word Processors)

This is a suite of modular applications edited by Vista source, Inc. Applix's first office suite, introduced in 1986, was called Alis, and was marketed with Alice in Wonderland themed promotional items. One such was a mug depicting the tea party scene from the book, with a Cheshire cat that disappeared when the mug was filled with a hot beverage.

·         Advantage

Applix Office Suite for Linux includes an ensemble of professional X-Windows tools for Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Graphics, Presentations, Email, WYSIWYG Web page editing, and more. These easy-to-use programs are compatible with common file formats, including Microsoft Office, WordPerfect, graphics formats, and many others. Features: Applix Words - Customizable WYSIWYG word processor and desktop publishing program; Applix Spreadsheets - Spreadsheet and database application; Applix Presentations - Full-featured presentation program; Applix Graphics - Drawing, charting, and graphic. It loads very quick land is very responsive in usage.

·         Disadvantage

This word processor not suite to the other users likes windows and mac. Applix Words has never seemed to enjoy the enthusiasm of the Linux community. Because it tends to lack some of the more sophisticated features high-end professionals look for, there's a disturbing tendency to write it off as unsuited for "serious" work and there’s some import file limitations.

III.        WordPerfect office X6

WordPerfect Office X6 consists of 16 core products including WordPerfect X6 word processor, Quattro Pro X6 spreadsheet program, Presentations X6 slideshow creator, Corel WordPerfect Lightning digital notebook, Paradox database management system, and WordPerfect eBook Publisher (also new for X6).

·         Advantage

a)      Microsoft Office Compatibility this compatibility with all versions of Microsoft Office DOC & DOCX, XLS & XLSX, PPT and PPTX files, but it's important
b)      Support for over 60 File Formats - A good office suite can load all the ten or eleven commonest files and formats, but a great office suite can load and edit them all including Open Document Format (ODF)
c)       Reveal Codes (true nerd-vana) - One of WordPerfect's best known features from the old days (the '80s & early '90s in particular) was the ability to manipulate reveal codes, the normally hidden code symbols which are used by the software to indicate format (line breaks, paragraph breaks, tabs, page end, page break, lists, etc. The latest version of WordPerfect doesn't disappoint so you can use 'em if you like 'em or like most people keep them hidden

·         Disadvantage

If you're a mainly conventional office suite user, you won't care at all about this, but the biggest absence in WordPerfect Office X6 (compared to the competition) is any sort of integrated online/cloud document storage, control, sharing and editing component as there is with Microsoft Office 2010, 2013 and Office 365, Google Apps for Business, ThinkFree and Zoho. Obviously, you can use Google Docs or Google Drive, ThinkFree or Zoho to upload, download and share any Microsoft Office-compatible document, so if you're using WordPerfect Office X6 you can save files in Microsoft formats in order to do broadly compatible sharing and editing online. It's a bit clumsy, but exemplifies how far Corel and other office productivity software makers have to go to compete head-to-head in the home or business office with Microsoft and Google.

IV.        Kingsoft Office (WPS Office)

WPS Office (an initialism for Writer, Presentation and Spreadsheets, previously known as Kingsoft Office) developed by now Zhuhai based Chinese software developer Kingsoft. Kingsoft Office is a suite of software which is made up of three primary components: Kingsoft Writer, Kingsoft Presentation, and Kingsoft Spreadsheet.

·         Advantage

This office suite for Microsoft Windows, Linux (currently in Alpha state), iOS and Android OS. The basic version is free to use, but a fully featured professional-grade version is also available. The suite allows you to export files in PDF Format. You can also save the file in many common extension.
Input & Output Formats of Kingsoft Writer:
Ø  Input file formats: Word (97/2000/2003/2007/2010) .doc, .dot, .docx, .dotx, .docm, .dotm; .rtf, .txt, .xml, Kingsoft .wps and .wpt formats.
Ø  Output file formats: Word (97/2000/2003/2007/2010) .doc, .dot, .docx, .dotx, .docm, .dotm; .rtf, .txt, Kingsoft .wps and .wpt formats.

·         Disadvantage

  1. If you compare the Kingsoft Office suite with microsoft office, Kingsoft Office writer lacks Thesaurus. It also lacks the ability to add pictures directly from internet.
  2. The Kingsoft office consists only 3 tools i.e. writer, presentation, spreadsheets. Where is MS Office includes Outlook, Publisher, and Access too.

V.        Libre Office

Libre Office Writer is the free and open-source word processor component of the Libre Office software package and is a fork of OpenOffice.org Writer. Writer is a word processor similar to Microsoft Word and Corel's WordPerfect, with some identical features.

·         Advantage

It's the only office suite that runs on all desktop and laptop platforms—Windows, OS X, and Linux. It even runs on eight-year-old Macs that use PowerPC processors instead of the Intel CPUs on current Mac hardware. Versions for Android and iOS are in the works, but they won't emerge until later this year or 2014. Version 4.0, recently released, looks a lot like the long-running 3.x series, but has massive invisible changes designed to let it move into the tablet era and provide a new API for corporate and government programmers to interact with it.
Even if you don't use Libre Office for day-to-day work, it's worth having for its unparalleled set of import and export filters that let you open almost any document format you're likely to find, especially in government and law offices that have been accumulating documents for decades. For example, Libre Office is the only non-Microsoft app that opens Microsoft Works and Microsoft Publisher files, and it opens files created by the old WordPerfect for the Mac word-processor that even WordPerfect for Windows can't handle.

·         Disadvantage

  1. When compared to MS Office is definitely not packed with features. If you use Excel extensively, then Libre Office is not for you. Features like text to columns, pivot tables are available in Libre Office and they are more than enough for daily activities for certain people.
  2. Really bad to look at. When compared to MS Excel, Libre Calc just looks ugly. And now that Microsoft's Metro UI looks so slick, Libre will just seem to get uglier. Fonts are bad. The characters seem to overflow out of their cells. Overall, the design of libre office just sucks. And the placement of buttons and menus is just bad. MS Excel's ribbon interface gives easy access to everything I want.
  3. Add in - I personally use a lot of Add-Ins for Excel. Some of them include Power Pivot and Excellent Analytics. Power Pivot was a brilliant tool which I miss in Libre Calc.
4.      MS Excel is freaking fast. The Libre Office sometimes crashes when you paste One  rows of data. The screen goes semi grey and that’s the end of it. I was able to process One  rows on Excel very easily. Although, it did take some time, I was still content that I could process something like that.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Why We can't Live Without Computer(Bilgisayarın Günümüzde Kullanım Alanları)

 Why We can't Live Without Computer

In the current world, it’s almost impossible to imagine that someone can live  without computers. Computers have become an electronic device of almost every day use for individuals of every age. They are essential in almost all the business dealings that are made nowadays. The most that any industry has gained from the discovery of the computers is the business industry because of its nature. Computers have gained significance as they have improved the efficiency and productivity of work done. Large amounts of information in industrial and business sectors as well as in the personal lives are stored on computers.

Computers can help businesses by making their staff efficient and productive and also save their valuable time in any business or office. Computers in schools will help the learners to comprehend the basic concepts better with the help of video or audio examples. Computers in higher learning institutions will help the professors and researchers to do their work very fast and in an efficient and better way and also help them to share the same knowledge with their other members of staff. Computers become a vital gadget in several sectors; railways, banking, electricity, telephone departments, shopping carts etc are just but a few of them. Computers are also used in the medical industry to help doctors in diagnosing the diseases quickly and efficiently. All the administrative systems, whether private or public are now using computers and this practice can be evident in every part of the world.

Computers have also helped the media and the entertainment industries. Be it a multi-million dollars movie or a two minutes commercial, computers have changed the usual concept of providing entertainment to the public. With the computer business growing so fast, the computer industry has also brought about an invention. Tablets, palmtops, and laptops have replaced the desktops. With the decrease in size, it has become very easy to carry the computer and use them anywhere you are to the fullest.

The importance of computers in our daily lives can be judged by the number of people using them each single day. Computer is not only used by professionals, but also by the little children and grownups at our homes.

Today, everything related to your everyday life can be done using computers. You can order your breakfast online using your computer, you can read newspaper online, you can work from the comfort of your home with the help of your computer, you can watch movies and videos through your computer, you can listen to music through your computer, you can read novels and books through e-books, you can play games, you can also contact people and talk to them through your computer etc. These are just but a few things that can be done with the help of your computer.

The Different Between Software and Program

The Different Between Software and Program

 Program vs Software

Even though they very close the terms software and program are still minor differences between them.

SOFTWARE is a collection of some programmes which is designed for specific task to be done.while the programme is a set of instruction written in a comp understood language to do a specific work. Ex: Calci is a software and the instructions written to add two numbers is a programme.but calci has many functions for all of which has different programmes written..

A program is a set of instructions written in a programming language to perform a particular function. Many programs combine together to form software. While software refers to a collection of several programs and other procedures and documentation.

Software is also used to perform a task. The most common programming language used for making software is C and C++. Software is of two types that is system software which is the operating system and application software.

So a program is a set of instructions for performing a task whereas a software is made up of several computer programs.

  • Summary:
1. Software is a broad term that covers computer programs as well as the components that it needs to run while program is a term used to describe any code that is used to run a device
2. Programs existed before software
3. Software typically consists of files while programs can be files or even punch cards