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Monday, November 3, 2014

The Different Between Software and Program

The Different Between Software and Program

 Program vs Software

Even though they very close the terms software and program are still minor differences between them.

SOFTWARE is a collection of some programmes which is designed for specific task to be done.while the programme is a set of instruction written in a comp understood language to do a specific work. Ex: Calci is a software and the instructions written to add two numbers is a programme.but calci has many functions for all of which has different programmes written..

A program is a set of instructions written in a programming language to perform a particular function. Many programs combine together to form software. While software refers to a collection of several programs and other procedures and documentation.

Software is also used to perform a task. The most common programming language used for making software is C and C++. Software is of two types that is system software which is the operating system and application software.

So a program is a set of instructions for performing a task whereas a software is made up of several computer programs.

  • Summary:
1. Software is a broad term that covers computer programs as well as the components that it needs to run while program is a term used to describe any code that is used to run a device
2. Programs existed before software
3. Software typically consists of files while programs can be files or even punch cards

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